January 26, 2022

The Best Online Resource for Learning About Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues across America (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and can lead to debilitating effects on an individual's life.What is Depression? Sadness and grief are normal human emotions, and are commonly experienced in response to life stressors such as a family conflict or job dissatisfaction.  These feelings tend pass with time, and decrease after the immediate stressor is resolved.However, Major Depressive Disorder, or what we generally refer to as “depression,” is a diagnosable mood disorder that includes symptoms such as loss of energy, appetite changes, loss of interest in things we typically enjoy, and even social withdrawal and isolation.Here is an informative video about the differences between sadness as a normal human emotion, and depression:

If left untreated, depression can lead to dangerous health complications, including job loss, separation or break-up, loss of friendships, weight changes, and suicidal thoughts.Depression in America It is estimated that around 16.2 million adults in the United States, or 6.7% of Americans over 18 have had at least one significant depressive period in their life (Anxiety & Depression Association of America).According the World Health Organization, women are twice as likely as men to have experienced a depressive episode.Here is a great TED video that explains more about depression:

Learning about Depression Grapevine Psychology has compiled some of the most reputable, free resources to help you better understand depression.Screening ToolsVarious mental and clinical health organizations provide resources that help an individual identify if they may be experiencing the symptoms of depression and can help you know if it is time to seek help.

  1. Mental Health America Depression Screening Tool
  2. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance- Screening Tool

Mental Health InstitutionsThese organizations are well-known and reputable resources for learning more about mental illnesses like depression:

  1. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Depression
  2. Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)
  3. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
  4. American Psychological Association
  5. HelpGuide: Depression

Depressive Disorder Support Groups Increasing your experience of community is one of the most important aspects of coping and managing the effects of depression.  Joining a support group is one way to increase community support.

These groups are particularly effective when led by a licensed therapist and you can use a plethora of sites to quickly track down a local support group for your region.

  1. ADAA: Anxiety and Depression Support
  2. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
  3. Mental Health America Discussion Group

Financial Assistance Tools for DepressionCovering the costs of therapy for depression can often be expensive without the right resources and insurances. There are various services available online that can help cover the costs of therapy and medication.

  1. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Medicine Assistance Tool
  2. NeedyMeds
  3. Together Rx Access
  4. Care for Your Mind

Understanding depression and its effects is the first of many steps needed to help improve your mental wellbeing.  The next most important step to managing depression is by starting or returning to therapy with a licensed therapist.  Grapevine Psychology can help.